Tuesday, April 19, 2011

{more snow}

Last night we had quite the fantastic fright! A windstorm took down a tree and pulled our power lines down causing a huge power surge to absolute ly blow up and create this bright light in our front yard. Well, needless to say the tree started on fire and the wind kept blowing and after a fire truck and a crew of a few Minnesota Power guys later, the street had power again. It was 11:45 at night before they actually shut down while the snow swirled crazily around them beating in to their faces and freezing their hands. I felt so badly. All cozy in my warm bed... listening to chainsaws and loud voices calling out orders.

But the morning brought many frowny faces. Snow. ALOT of it. Five inches. It's been swirling all day and sometimes a gray cloud will crack and we will have sunshine snow, really beautiful. All that precious little green grass, little buds on the trees and crocuses and hyacinth blooming on the cold ground. So precious and pure. So sweet.

So tonight it going to be curling up for me under a few blankets while I nurse a bum leg. I did something to it that's for sure so hot pad on and a chic flick in. Hm.

But... in the mean time... Eat Drink Pretty has me salivating over this wonderful light feast pictured above! LOVE it. =)


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