Wednesday, May 4, 2011

{alive and breathing... sort of =) }

Ever get wrangled by a cold that makes you crabby? It sure made ME crabby. Here I was, living my every day life and WHAM! Hit between the eyes with a head cold, flu, fever and just ickies. And to top it all off... on my birthday too. Yep. But no worries, Emme is getting better and hey, spring is here... I think, finally, maybe? =) Well, it was 65 degrees in Duluth today and I bet I don't have to remind you that temperatures like that are a serious heat flash for us. So despite hacking up lung material, I spent some nice time driving home with the windows all down and the sun shining on my face.

I had a wonderful birthday party though! Homemade jello cake, the company of good friends and even better sharing in the warmth of knowing your loved. There's just nothing like it! Thank you!! =)

So here I am... 27 and everything just opening up before me! YAY!


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