Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Do you need a hug?

There is nothing like feeling the comfort of being wrapped in someones arms. Sometimes you just need a little hug to get through the day. It doesn't have to be for any special reason but just because. Today, while checking up on my favorite blogs I stumbled on a post from Farmgirl Fare back in August of 2006. When I saw this sweet little nest it reminded me of one of my favorite Bible verses: "Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings." Psalms 63:7. When I lived on the farm as a little girl I would occasionally find nests that looked like this one. All decked out in the softest wool a mother bird could find and often times the resiliency of a few strands of our horses' mane. Whenever I found them it always reminded me of how undconditional that mother birds love was towards her babies. These nests were magnificently crafted and they were also lovely to look at. So today, if you need a hug, consider yourself tucked safely and warmly inside this little nest. It comforts me just looking at it and I hope it does for you too!


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