Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Must Have: This Book from Martha Stewart

I was at Barnes and Noble last night having a little cafe mocha (sip... sip) and was determined to go through as many magazines as I could to determine which one I want to subscribe to (finally decided to go with Domino). Anyway while I was walking around aimlessly I happened upon the bridal section and behold before my eyes stood a magnificent book, Martha Stewart's Wedding Cakes. It is brand new as far as I know and boy is it a masterpiece. Ever since I was young I would pry open Martha's magazine and just go nuts with all of the cake inspiration. You see I love decorating cakes. It is soooo fun and exciting! But the price! Uf duh! $60! Gosh. I am going to have to save up my little pennies. But the book is fantastic and probably well worth the $60. Does anyone out there have one yet. I really didn't get a good peek but do they have recipes and techniques on how to make and apply the piped icing? Thanks for any feed back!


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