Happy Monday!
I too my sister Ashley to go Christmas shopping on Sunday and boy did we ever have fun hitting the stores and running around town. It really was a hoot! So many people out and about running around trying to get last minute stuff for their loved ones. I am pretty happy to have all my shopping done this year as of two weeks ago so I feel so blessed to have gotten so far so fast. Usually being a student I had to wait until it was always so late becuase my papers, projects and exams always held up every weeked for me. Not this year though. Oh no, I was the shopping feind! =)
So here are some pictures from yesterday taken with the newest application on my iPhone... Have you ever heard of Instagram? It is .99 and worth every penny! LOVE IT! And as you can tell by now, utterly obsessed! =)
This store is the BEST! Blue Heron is one of those all time favorite places to pick up neat novelty items. I found a lovely eight inch snowflake cookie cutter there. It was $10 and although a little pricey (I admit) I think it is going to be worth every penny when those lovely cookies come out =)
Look at this thing! HUGE! I'm a litte worried now after looking at all the crevices that I might have a problem if the dough gets sticky. Oooo... :-O
Here is the upstairs looking down at all the lovely shops. DeWitt Seitz, a place I have blogged about before just has all this beautiful old fashioned charater that is so charming and timeless in a way.
Waters of Superior is just around the corner from DeWitt and has another fine reputation of having unique finds, mostly items created by area artists. What most attracted me was this beautiful tree that was decorated. It stood a little over ten feet high and each ornament was made out of glass. Just stunning!
In the window of Waters of Superior are some of those fine crafts from artists. These are two beautiful salmon fish made out of soup can lids. They are strikingly huge. These two spread out at an amazing four and a half feet! They glimmered so lovely in the fresh sunshine!
Here are some other pieces of art! Lovely textiles, felted pieces and oils and watercolors.
Then off to the Rocky Road Chocolate Factory for some savory sweets. That Santa on the right hand side is completely cast in chocolate! It was three feet high! Imagine munching on that thing! WHOA!
Ashley and I settled on the English Toffee wrapped in milk chocolate and chopped pecans. We also bout one square of the candy cane bark with the white and dark chocolate. Oh gosh was that decadent. I so wish I had had a hot cup of coffee to melt it in. =)
Just one of the three walls of chocolate bars and chocolate assortments.
Mmmm... nummy!
This is Canal Park Drive... it was bitterly cold yesterday. The wind was blowing directly off the Lake and both Ashley and I were shivering and chattering as we walked from store to store.
This image is looking toward the hillside of Duluth... Duluth is often referred to as the San Francisco of the North because of all the hills.
So after all of that running around Ashley and I built up quite an apetite so I treated her to lunch over at Pizza Luce. This is a hippy pizza parlor where you can get cool drinks, awesome homemade desserts and live entertainment.
All that sunshine was just lovely!
Greek salad for two? =)
And the best ever garlic bianca pizza I have ever had. They had whole chipolte peppers on top too. MMMMM! Too good!
So that was MY weekend! Did you guys have any fun?
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